Small business team building can have a big impact on your organization. When great teams work together in sync, outstanding results can be achieved. Creating a collaborative environment takes work; challenges and obstacles can sometimes undermine the process. Perhaps your organization could benefit from investing more time in teaching team-building skills. Below are three of the most common barriers in team building.

Here are the 3 most significant challenges in small business team building:
1.Goals that are vague and unclear
Teams must understand their goals before they can commit to them. While work groups may function independently in some ways, they still need senior leadership to provide adequate direction and support.
Help get your teams on the same page by:

a. Clarifying your purpose
Each individual needs to be on board with the organizational mission and values. You can help keep these principles at the top of employees’ minds with meetings, retreats, and regular conversations.
b. Set specific goals
Establishing common ground and concrete goals for your team helps to guide decisions and evaluate progress. Have a clear written statement of what you want to achieve. Take personal goals into account too.
c. Define roles
Reach a consensus about roles, responsibilities, and expectations. Detailed job descriptions prevent conflict and confusion. They also help each member to see where they fit into the bigger picture.
2. Lack of Trust
Developing healthy relationships makes it easier to tackle any task. Cohesive teams trust each other. They create an atmosphere where members feel safe to share information and take risks.
You can build trust within your teams:

a. Establish clear ground rules
Codes of conduct let members know what’s considered acceptable. Employees are also more likely to follow rules that they played a part in negotiating.
b. Spend time together
Work groups may bring together employees who otherwise have little contact. Keep teams small enough to encourage personal connections. Plan some fun social activities to break the ice.
c. Find ways to reward your teams
How do you get members excited about shared priorities rather than their agendas? Provide incentives for collaboration and host group recognition events.
d. Discourage cliques
Some teams might remind you of high school with a crowd that leaves some students out. Try giving assignments that require interacting with someone new and change the make-up of each team from time to time.
3. Poor Communication
Friendly and respectful communication makes employees feel like they belong. Team members feel more driven to achieve their common purpose.
Keep these effective communication techniques in mind:

a. Exchange feedback
Help each other with honest and tactful observations about how to enhance individual and group performance. Resolve disagreements before they escalate into serious conflicts.
b. Ask questions
Learn from each other. Many snafus can be avoided by gathering facts and consulting each other before taking action. Listen attentively and ask for more information and clarification when you’re unsure.
c. Provide training
Communication skills can be strengthened with practice and instruction. Survey teams to find out what assistance they want and need. Offer courses online or engage outside experts to customize a program.
d. Use technology
Cloud computing, project collaboration software, and video calls have transformed how teams interact. Now, you can stay in touch and coordinate activities, even when some employees are in the office, and others work remotely.
e. Stay positive
Attitudes are contagious. Team members can lift each other up or make maintaining morale more challenging. Focus on what you like about each other and be generous with thanks and praise.
You can make a difference in any team you join. Knowing how to deal with common obstacles will help you to create opportunities for engagement and advancement for yourself and your colleagues.
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