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Steve Jobs’ 4 Best Leadership Strategies

by Apr 27, 2022Leadership, Small Business Leaders

The leadership strategies of Steve Jobs have been written about and discussed for the last few decades. He has been considered one of the most innovative leaders of his time.  

What made Steve Jobs a fantastic leader? He made Apple so distinctive and profitable that it became one of the biggest companies in the world. Why?

Here are four things that made Steve Jobs stand out from the crowd:

1. Jobs discovered the balance between leading by example and empowering the people that worked for him. 

He had the vision, and everyone in the company knew what that vision was for the organization. Every person within the organization knows Apple’s mission statement and lives it with passion. Jobs demonstrated his leadership by showing everyone his commitment to detail in his organization. Every detail is considered when an Apple product is sold, from the packaging to the product details. 

2. Innovation as a part of his leadership strategies

Jobs looked at innovation as “connecting things. ” Putting two ideas together to create an innovative new product. His key to success is either taking something and improving it or blending two new concepts to make something special. Creative minds often feel like new inventions are just obvious, but the rest of the world doesn’t see them in the same way. They see something unique.

Check out this video where Steve discusses leadership:

When Steve Jobs became the company’s CEO, Apple manufactured over 350 products. He cut that down to 10 core products. He believed that many of the products produced by Apple were duplicates and outdated. As a result of that radical change, his teams focused on doing a great job with fewer products. With additional time, the creative departments improved outcomes, and Apple’s products climbed to new standards of excellence.

Innovation for Steve Jobs was about saying no to the products that don’t matter so Apple could free up space for the ones that could excel.

3. To Delegate or not

Steve Jobs didn’t want to delegate. He wanted to remain involved with every new product. The most successful leaders are some of the hardest-working people within the organization. Delegation is always necessary, but he put in the hard work before putting those responsibilities onto someone else. 

4. Communication with analogy and conviction

Job’s conviction for his mission was evident in everything he did. When he spoke, you could see his conviction in everything he said. He learned to be a great communicator, driven by his passion.

He learned to communicate with simplicity and clarity. When he began doing product keynotes, they were complicated, and people didn’t get his message. He later became known for amazing keynotes where he could describe a product with clarity and simplicity by demonstrating products so people could remember them. He once put a laptop into an interoffice envelope to add impact to his presentation and show how small the laptop was to carry and use. He showed how people could have “1000 songs in their pocket” with an iPod. Those were just a few of his incredible communication skills.

Think about how you can apply these skills in your small business. Set up a discovery call if you’d like to have some input on how you can use these ideas.

About Henry:
Henry is a Leadership Coach and Mentor. He helps Owners and Executive Leaders develop their teams to grow their business so they can have more time, more results and more money. To learn more, Henry offers a FREE discovery call  check out the details on this website.