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Change Management for Leaders

by Dec 1, 2022Leadership

When you consider change management for leaders you realize that change is a constant in our lives. Technologies, processes, people, ideas, and methods often change around us, affecting how we perform daily tasks and live our lives. Here are some ideas on how leaders can implement changes more smoothly and have those changes better accepted. You’ll also discover some tools on ways to implement change and ways to get those changes more widely accepted.

Change management for leaders: How to prepare.

Today’s change management initiatives have become a business discipline, driving bottom-line results through changes in systems and behaviors. Managing change has therefore become a critical skill, both for leadership — and for workers in an organization. There are several factors to consider when implementing change. Here are some five considerations:

  1. Define a strategy when you want to execute change in your organization.
    A simple way to gather data for the strategy is to set up interviews and ask questions regarding the different aspects of the change. 
change management for leaders
  1. Select a team
    The team must represent all functional groups and roles necessary to manage the change initiative. Formalizing the team and providing funding and other resources sends a message of accountability and responsibility and illustrates the organization’s investment in the change.

  2. People must participate in the change
    For change to be successful, people must desire to support and participate. Simply building awareness does not generate desire. Showing everyone what is in it for them will produce an excellent starting point and help develop support. The beginning of the change process is significant, and showing the affected parties how the change will improve their environment will initiate the process on a positive note.
  1. WIFM What’s in it for me?
    To answer the question “What’s in it for me?” or WIFM, change management leadership must create energy and engagement around the change. This builds momentum and instills support at all levels of the organization. 

    Factors that influence WIFM
    • The nature of the change
    • Organizational context for the change
    • An employee’s situation
    • What motivates the person as an individual?
  1. Building support for change 
    Effective communication is essential for building support throughout the organization. Whoever communicates with people impacted by a change must have a clear understanding of the general nature of the change, its reasons, and how it aligns with the organization’s vision. They must understand the risks of not changing, the timing, and who will be most impacted by the change.

    Communication options include email, presentations, postings on the organization’s intranet, flyers and circulars, banners, online or phone conferences, and special social events.

If you follow these guidelines before implementing change, things will go smoother, others will embrace the difference, and you will have greater success with your initiatives.

Are you planning a change in your organization? Want to bounce your strategy off a third party?
I’m happy to discuss it with you in a discovery session. Just request one on my website at

You may also like my online M e-learning course on “Change Management”. This course will also start you down your path of becoming a Master of ChangeThe course is designed to be accessed through your smartphone, tablet, laptop (or any combination of all three). The system is self-paced, and you can accomplish each lesson in the course in less than 5 minutes. I designed the content and format for busy leaders.

About Henry:
Henry is a Leadership Coach and Mentor. He helps Owners and Executive Leaders develop their teams to grow their business so they can have more time, more results and more money. To learn more, Henry offers a FREE discovery call  check out the details on this website.