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The 10 ways leaders can become a more likeable boss

by Feb 9, 2023Leadership

To become a more likeable boss, it is essential to practice several people skills. Here are ten ways to be more likeable and improve your leadership skills. How many of these traits are you practicing with your people? 

Become a more likeable boss

1: Address staff concerns promptly. Recognize their problems and address them quickly! 

When communicating with your employees, pay attention to what they are saying and how they feel. Acknowledge their feelings and take them into account when making decisions. Make them feel heard. 

You can build a bridge of trust by being attentive to your employees’ body language. 
Watch for nonverbal cues such as facial expressions, posture, and tone of voice. Be aware of how your employees interact with each other and with you.  

Make time for your employees. Make time for your employees in your schedule and try to get to know them better. Spend time listening to their stories and learning about their backgrounds. Demonstrate empathy. When making decisions, try to put yourself in your employee’s shoes. 

2: Be honest and open 

Honesty and openness are fundamental values with which to live. Being honest with yourself and others can lead to greater trust and understanding in any relationship. Honesty encourages a deeper level of communication and helps to build a healthier connection between you and those around you. Being open to hearing someone’s perspective or point of view can also be beneficial in achieving understanding and connecting with others, even if you disagree with their opinions. It’s important to remember that being honest and open is not always easy. Still, it is essential for building stronger relationships.  

Taking the time to be honest with yourself and others, and being open to different points of view can make a huge difference in your life and the lives of those around you. Honesty builds trust between boss and employee, and openness encourages candid discussion. Cultivating a culture of honesty and transparency can be done in all types of relationships, personal or professional. It takes dedication, but it is worth the effort. Commit to being honest and open today, and start seeing its positive effects on your relationships. 

You can demonstrate support by encouraging your employees to pursue their goals is one of the best ways to build a positive relationship with them. Building relationships with your employees takes time, so be patient and give them time to adjust. 

When giving feedback, be constructive and avoid personal attacks. Criticism should be based on specific actions or behaviors that need improvement, not the person.  

Offer recognition and appreciation. A simple way to show appreciation for hard work is to offer feedback or recognition at appropriate times – such as after a critical task has been completed or during a break in the workday. 

3: Manage difficult employees with tact. 

While it is essential to set boundaries, it is also vital to manage difficult employees constructively. Try to understand their motives and how they view the world. Then, try to provide the support they need to achieve success. Quick action is necessary when issues arise. 

Your body language says a lot about you, and your employees are likely to pick up on your moods and attitudes even if you don’t intend them to. Ensure your body language is positive and affirming, and avoid negative body language such as glaring, crossing arms, or appearing angry. 

When managing employees from different cultures or religions, respect their beliefs and customs. You might like reading my article on “How to navigate conflict.” 

4: Ask open-ended questions 

Asking open-ended questions is a powerful tool for facilitating meaningful conversations. By posing questions that require more than a yes or no answer, you can get to the root of a topic, uncovering valuable insights and information. Open-ended questions can help build relationships, as they encourage dialogue and help establish common ground. When asking open-ended questions, it’s essential to be patient and listen to the responses. By carefully considering the answers to your questions, you can better understand their motivations and gain a deeper understanding of the person. Additionally, avoid leading questions that could influence the response or provide an answer for the employee. Asking open-ended questions is a great way to open up dialogue and explore topics in greater depth. 

5: Listen attentively 

Attentive listening is a skill that every leader can develop with practice and dedication. It is an essential tool for understanding conversations and acquiring knowledge. Careful listening requires focusing on the speaker and the message. Being present and conscious of the words used to absorb and retain information is necessary. You should be actively involved in the conversation, paying attention to the speaker’s body language and facial expressions. Taking notes is also an effective way to ensure that you have understood the message accurately. 

Listening is an essential skill that can benefit many aspects of your life. Additionally, it is necessary to ask questions if you need clarification or elaboration. Asking questions shows that you are engaged in the conversation and demonstrates your interest in the topic. Developing this skill will enable you to communicate better, understand others more clearly, and gain valuable knowledge. 

6: Be patient and tolerant 

Experiencing times of frustration, stress, and impatience is a normal part of leadership. It’s easy to become overwhelmed and lash out at others. However, it is important to remember that being patient and tolerant is essential for living a peaceful, balanced life. When feeling overwhelmed or stressed, patience can be cultivated through mindful practice, such as taking deep breaths. By practicing patience and tolerance, we can create a better world for ourselves and everyone around us. 

Additionally, actively listening and being mindful of other people’s feelings can help us to be tolerant of their perspectives. Practicing empathy and understanding can also help to foster patience in ourselves and those around us. By being patient and kind, we can create better relationships with the people in our lives, leading to a more positive environment overall. Remember that patience and tolerance are essential to living a peaceful life full of joy and fulfillment. 

7: Accept responsibility for your actions 

We all have moments when we make mistakes or bad decisions. It’s important to accept responsibility and ownership over our actions so that we can move forward and grow. Taking responsibility for our mistakes allows us to learn from them and become better people. It also encourages us to be honest with ourselves and those around us. When we own up to our mistakes, it shows humility and a sense of integrity. It’s also a sign of strength, as it takes courage to admit we are wrong. Taking responsibility for our actions is a necessary part of life. It will help us to become more successful in the long run. Taking ownership of our mistakes and learning from them will bring us closer to success and fulfillment in life. So, take responsibility for your actions and move forward with confidence. 

8: Show empathy and compassion 

Showing empathy and compassion is a skill that can be learned and practiced. It is an integral part of building relationships and understanding in our personal and professional lives. Empathy helps us understand someone else’s feelings, while compassion is being kind and supportive in response. By understanding the needs, perspectives, and feelings of others, we can create a strong bond of trust and respect. Listening carefully to others is a great way to develop empathy and compassion.  

Be patient and open-minded, even if you disagree with someone’s point of view. It’s also important to ask questions to understand someone else’s perspective. It’s also essential to show respect for their opinions and feelings. You can build relationships with others more easily when you try to show understanding. Showing empathy and compassion can also help reduce stress levels, as it encourages us to take a step back from our perspective and open ourselves up to the views of others. Being compassionate can also make us feel better about ourselves – when we do something kind for someone else, it boosts our sense of self-worth. In essence, showing empathy and compassion helps create stronger relationships with the people around us, making us happier and more fulfilled. 

9: Use positive words and phrases that provide encouragement and support 

Using positive words and phrases in everyday conversations can significantly impact how we communicate and interact with others. When we use positive comments, we create an atmosphere of trust and respect, allowing us to establish strong relationships with those around us. Positive language can also help us stay motivated and inspired, leading to outstanding achievement and success. We can also help others feel more confident and hopeful by speaking positively.  

But what exactly are positive words and phrases? Positive comments and expressions convey positivity, joy, and encouragement. They can include words like “thank you,” “congratulations,” “great job,” and “I appreciate you.” They also include phrases like “you can do it” or “I’m proud of you.”  

Positive words and phrases are a powerful way to communicate our feelings and intentions. It allows us to express our emotions in a respectful and kind way. It also reminds us that we can achieve great things when we use words of encouragement and positivity.  

Finally, using positive language can help us become better listeners. People are more likely to listen when they feel their feelings and thoughts are heard. Positive language allows us to show that we value their input and ideas, creating meaningful relationships with those around us.  

By incorporating positive words and phrases into our daily conversations, we can create an atmosphere of trust, respect, and inspiration that will benefit both ourselves and those around us. So the next time you interact with someone, take a moment to pause and think about the language you’re using. You may be surprised at how much of an impact it can have! 

10: Encourage others to speak up and contribute 

We all have something to contribute to the conversation, and it’s important to encourage others to speak up and be heard. Everyone has valuable insight and perspectives that can bring a fresh perspective and help create meaningful dialogue. Encouraging others to speak up is essential to building community and fostering an environment where ideas can be shared and discussed openly. It allows for different points of view to be explored and respected, giving everyone an equal voice in the conversation.  

Engagement helps create a sense of belonging, as people feel more comfortable expressing their opinions when they know they are being listened to and taken seriously. When we actively promote an atmosphere of speaking up, we create a unique opportunity for growth and learning. We become more aware of the perspectives of others, leading to further understanding and appreciation of the different perspectives in our lives. So let’s encourage others to speak up and contribute to the conversation; it is one of the best ways to cultivate a more respectful and inclusive environment. 


These are a few tips on how to be more likeable as a boss. Following these tips can improve your leadership skills and become a more effective leader. You can become the leader that people follow. 

Check out my course on “Being a Likeable Boss.” When you purchase the course, and upon completion, you’ll get a FREE coaching session with me. ($1000 value) Check it out here. Check out my comments about leadership skills in my Wednesday Morning Memo

About Henry:
Henry is a Leadership Coach and Mentor. He helps Owners and Executive Leaders develop their teams to grow their business so they can have more time, more results and more money. To learn more, Henry offers a FREE discovery call  check out the details on this website.