“ I can help you become the leader people want to follow ”
Henry Chidgey
I’ll help you develop:
Team Culture | Profitability | Leadership in your Company
What happens now?
You’ll come away with clarity on your vision and goals. You’ll uncover some of the hidden challenges and limiting beliefs holding you back.
By the end of the session, we will both know if we would like to work together more. I promise NO sales pressure.

Step One
Sign up for a free session
Just click on a session button on this website and you’ll be taken to my scheduling page.

Step two
Co-create a plan of action to allow you to fulfill your vision.
When you have a roadmap and a clear vision you’ll find success.

Step three
Become the Leader people want to follow
Reach new heights of success and enjoy abundance in your personal and professional life.
What’s your biggest challenge?

You struggle with getting a clear roadmap for where you are going.
When you’re lost and don’t have a roadmap it’s keeping you from the success you deserve. If you could get clarity on this single issue, what would it mean to you?

You are not equipped with the right skill sets needed to execute the right strategies.
You can be put into a leadership role when the opportunity arises, not when you are ready. You may discover you’re missing critical skills as a leader. How do you get them quickly and efficiently?

You don't have the people you need to achieve your goals.
Skilled people are often in high demand. You need the right people in the right seats in your company to accomplish your objectives.

Difficulties managing employees: including hiring, training, inspiring, and retaining.
It is all about who you are as a leader. Learn to communicate clearly, set expectations, and lead by example to foster a positive work environment.

Leaders can be faced with limiting beliefs and hidden challenges.
The first step is to get help identifying what these limiting beliefs and hidden challenges are for you. Then you have the opportunity to overcome those limiting beliefs or hidden challenges.

You find it challenging to balance work and have a personal life.
You find it difficult to create balance in your life as you focus on growing and maintaining your business.
Many business owners and executives are frustrated
with these issues and not sure where to turn.
I know what you’re going through.
I’ve guided many in overcoming these issues.
You are not alone.
Let me help you break through roadblocks
to become the exceptional leader you were meant to be.
Your next step is to schedule your free coaching call. Just click the link above.
How to find a good coach
I believe the only way for you and me to see if we will be able to work effectively is to actually do some work together. You get to see if my values and style work for you, and I get to see if I think I am the right coach to work with you. We both have limited time, and it is important to me that I am confident I can create awesome value for and with you. It is really that simple.
We’ll spend time getting to know each other. We’ll uncover your goals and objectives for coaching and your motivations for wanting to change and grow. I hold nothing back in this call. You will get everything I have in the time we are together.
Some things you’ll take away from our session:
- Clarity on your vision and goals
- Develop a strategy to achieve that vision and goals
- Uncover and bring into focus challenges that have been holding you back
- Leave our session renewed and re-energized and inspired to create a results driven team that gets things done
- So you can be the hero of your work life and still have a flourishing personal life
You should allocate an hour of undisturbed time via zoom or by phone.
I believe the only way for you and me to see if we will be able to work effectively is to actually do some work together. You get to see if my values and style work for you, and I get to see if I think I am the right coach to work with you. We both have limited time, and it is important to me that I am confident I can create awesome value for and with you. It is really that simple.
We’ll spend time getting to know each other. We’ll uncover your goals and objectives for coaching and your motivations for wanting to change and grow. I hold nothing back in this call. You will get everything I have in the time we are together.
Some things you’ll take away from our session:
- Clarity on your vision and goals
- Develop a strategy to achieve that vision and goals
- Uncover and bring into focus challenges that have been holding you back
- Leave our session renewed and re-energized and inspired to create a results driven team that gets things done
- So you can be the hero of your work life and still have a flourishing personal life
You should allocate an hour of undisturbed time via zoom or by phone.
What our clients say
Read and listen to the real-life stories of some of my clients. Many of them share some of the changes they made in their lives. I’m so proud of the growth that they experienced. They are all heroes and heroines.

Josh Heyl
Coaching Expereince
Josh discusses his experience with Henry’s Coaching Program.

Josh Heyl
eLearning Courses
Josh discusses his experience with Henry’s eLearning Courses

Paul Ayres, Owner Red Flint Group
He (Henry) is a gem in this world of blow-hard executive coaches that peddle fluff and bull, leaving you hanging as to precisely what to do. I won’t go anywhere else, neither should you.

Karyn Mckenna, Chief Product Officer

Frederick M. Hanish Mercer Advisors
Henry is a unique, talented class act that I highly recommend to anyone considering an executive coach and even better yet, a life coach (which includes the executive coaching). He has been a true value add and has made a significant impact on my life. You will be better off having worked with him.

Christine Swistro,VP/MD Digital Technology Operations and Transformation

Adrian Wright FRSA MIoD Chairman

Richard Tashma
Coaching Client
Richard discusses where he was when he started his coaching journey and how he has developed.